Brochure Websites
If your business is not constantly changing then a well-design brochure website could be the answer for you. As the name suggests brochure websites are a digital representation of your company's printed brochure published and made available on the web. They provide the viewer with consistent, standard information for an extended period of time similar to handing out a printed brochure. Updates are a manually operation and generally will need to be done by Varcarme. If you require a website where updates need to be done on a regular basis in-house then a Content Management System (CMS) would be a more appropriate solution for you.
Information and Features
- Cost effective solution
- A well designed online representation of your company's broshure
- A unique domain name
- Unlimited static pages
- Unlimited images and graphics
- Links to popular external sites
- "Email Us" feature
- "Find Us" feature
- "Contact Us" feature